[photo] KTX + ĐH KHXH&NV

It’s a week since I last posted my entry. I’ve, for many times, forced myself to write something but I couldn’t. I haven’t got any inspiration. Sometimes ideas flashed in my mind when I was doing something and I intended to write them out when I came back to my PC. But whenever I sat in front of my PC screen, inspirations totally ran away and I could write nothing. That’s so terrible

Today I choose to write in English because I realize that it’s high time for me to practice my writing skill. It’s not only becuz the final exam is coming but also cuz I need to improve my skill more. It’s essential becuz I’m going to attend a new class, which is more challenging than any class I’ve ever attended before. So from now on, I'll try to write at least two English entry a month. maybe I'll write my diary in English, and for other subjects I'll use Vietnamese.

For the very first English entry of my blog, I’ll tell you about my life at dormitory, which is also a topic for my coming exam ^^. Now enjoy it, and let me know your ideas (though I’m afraid that I’ll receive fewer comments than ever T__T)


Does the title make you surprise? You may wonder if there is an building called National Plaza in the city? In fact, it’s just a dear name that students usually use to talk about their dorm – the HCM City National University Dormitory, located in Linh Trung, Thủ Đức.

So why do students call their dorm a plaza while to many people, a dorm is simply an old building with many bed rooms for students to stay? This concept may be old-fashioned now. Because the national plaza (NP) is a large area with many modern buildings and large campus with a lot of green lawns and shading trees. It’s like a small city, separated with the crowded and noisy city outside. You even don’t need to enter HCM city to enjoy services because there’re almost enough for you in the dorm. You can find anything in the dorm, from cafeterias, canteens to fashion shops, food stores, hair dressers’ and even motorbike-washer’s.

How about students life? Is it comfortable? I can answer “yes” right away. The rooms are very clean, well-equipped and large enough for eight students (We can even play football inside the room ^^). I’ve already made an entry about my dorm room, so please check it here.

Some people said that life at dormitories is very boring cuz you have nothing to entertain and relax. This concept is, once again, completely wrong. In national plaza, you can find a number of thing to enjoy yourselves. Each room has a computer with internet connected, so you can feel free to get online whenever you want. But the only drawback is that you have to pay for this service and the price is pretty expensive ( 3000 VND per hour, no matter whether you get online or not). Moreover, there’s a TV set in the hall of each block, so you won’t miss any favorite programs. And especially when there’s a hot football match, almost all students gather to watch it together. They shout, they cheer and laugh loudly and you’ll feel like you are in the stadium ^^.

And one thing I most like in national plaza is that there’s often music show at weekend. Never before have I met such famous singers as Anh Khoa, Minh Thư, Hà Anh Tuấn… until I lived at NP. I attended all of these shows, and the feelings are great. To see a live concert is what I’ve dreamt of very much before.

Finally, I’ll talk a little about my roommates. It’s my luck to have such cool friends like those. We study in the same school, and come from the same province. So we get together very well. We are just like brothers in the same family. Now when I’m home, leaving them for a week, I really miss them, miss everything that I used to share with them. I miss the cozy atmosphere when we study together, the noisy but cheer laughter when we tell ourselves life to others….

That’s all. All I wanna talk about my dear dorm is that it’s really a beautiful and suitable place for me to stay, and I love it, love all my roommates and my neighbors.

Now have a look at some pics taken from my dorm to see if I had told lies to you ^^

And here are some pics of my school - USSH. Enjoy!


I hope to receive as many comments as usual. Hope you have time to read all of my entry. Thanks and have a good weekend.

p.s: All the photos above were taken by my dad when he paid me a visit a month ago.


  1. -‘๑’.Thỏ xinh. ‘๑’-January 4, 2008 at 8:31 AM

    Ui, trông như công viên, à ko, giống khu đô thị cỡ bự luôn ^^. Trường đẹp và rộng thật. Nhà tớ gần ĐH SP và ĐHQG Hà Nội nhưng cũng ko thấy đẹp đc như thế! đc học ở đây cũng sướng thật ;;)
    Tiếng Anh, Xu giỏi thật, tớ lười mấy cái này lắm, chịu khó viết đc cả 1 bài dài này thì..ngưỡng mộ quá, hi

  2. Just finished the intro. I'd love to but I can't read through the whole entry right now. Too sleepy :( By the way, "coming exam", not "going"
    well done, my dear. Keep practising!

  3. ♥¤ºnhỏ.hay.cườiº¤♥January 4, 2008 at 9:04 AM

    wow, nice shots!!! ^^ and gud writing, too! ^^

  4. I also want to write some entry by english but i don't have any ideal
    Your dorm is so large but I heared somebody said that "that is a dangeruos place for girls " What do u think about this?

  5. Panda 「パンダ」January 4, 2008 at 12:11 PM

    nice writing skill ^^! Jealous with your NP ^^!

  6. yeah,ur dorm looks very quiet,peaceful and beautiful.I like it so much.

  7. oh, ur dorm or ur paradise?^^

  8. Shorten your writing, express same idea with less words.
    Ex: have a look at some pics taken from my dorm to see if I had told lies to you. You can just say 'if I had lied' .
    Or "Does the title make you surprise" -> Does the title surprise you?
    In English, writers do try to avoid the passive form.
    My kindly advices. Good luck!

  9. Long time no see, Xu. I've read your whole entry. I used to have a blog written in English at my.opera. Yet it was a failure because it wasn't shared (you know that feeling, right?). You seem to have the same ideas with me, don't you? Do you remember the series of entries named "Chuyen tinh Xuxu"? I wanted to write a series of entries about my elementary school, yet I've finished a little more than half of it. Contrariy, you already posted all the chapters of "Chuyen tinh Xuxu". You're so much beter than me. You can really succed, Xu. Keep giving more entries in English!

  10. oops, i've forgot one thing. Whenever u join a show and meet Nguyen Phi Hung (oh no, what a name!), plz, plz take as many photos as possible and post it here right away. thousands of thank-you(s) will be sent 2 u (by me ^^).

  11. "post them", not "post it", sorry.

  12. hi` hi`, cung~ rang ngoi doc duoc khuc dau, doc riet duoi lun :)), moi mat qua' xa'

  13. Hee, sr cuz I've juz cmm 4 U up 2 now. I really wanna read it immediately when I see Ur blast but I even refresh this page over 5 times 2 b able 2 load it completely, hjz. So bored, my net status....phew.... I thought dat perhaps I'm too free to compose it in E (as my friends always complain, hjz), now I'm really glad 2 know so do U, kaka. I'm ... really appreciate da amount of Ur cmm :) Hey ya, come on guy! I'll always follow any E ntry..... Hope U go on, my [oppa] >:D<

  14. I've read all through your blog. To be honest, this entry is good especially i do appreciate the interesting topic and the way you grasp others' attention and your tactic of creating curiosity by some simple questions.That'll give you a plus.You have organized the content into several but clearly separated smaller parts.another plus.But you have made some silly mistakes."separated with" should be "separated from" and so on. a minus
    Totally, you've got (+ + ; - ), so(+) . This is the first time and I highly appreciate your brainchild.

  15. Hi, nice to meet you. Good entry and good pictures. National uni and its dormitory is so great. You made the best choice , man. Your writing, I think, is O.K. You should practise more on verb tenses since I noticed quite a few tense mistakes in your entry. Shorten your sentences, as bro Sen said, and, in my opinion, pay a little more to word usage and vary your expression to make your entry even more interesting. I suggest reading english magazine regularly. A magazine, with help from a good dictionary, is much better and more interesting than a grammar book. It provides you with useful words, a variety of expressions , and especially , helps improve your grammar a lot.
    That's my sincerest advice. Hope it helps.

  16. i don't have anything to comment. You know this entry's not funny and comic like others before.Just abit disappointed. But, hope you'll improve your writing skill

  17. :P! Entry này cũng nhiều nguoi comment ghia...ai cũng comment tieng Anh het..Có mình Vikki theo bạn comment đầu, lạc quẻ :))!
    Khung cảnh nhìn cũng thóang đãng...Chẹp hen aXu ^^! Mấy truong dai hoc ben này càng lớn, càng nổi tiếng thì càng lâu năm..Ít gì cũng gần cả trăm năm trở lên ko..:-S!


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