Ngụ ngôn ChatGPT: The Techy Fox and Grapes

Cùng 2 câu chuyện khác: "Swift the Hare and the Lesson of Perseverance: A Tech-Savvy Tale" và "The Viral Influencer: A Tale of Greed and Authenticity".

Hôm nọ mình sai nó viết lại ngụ ngôn ê-dốp cho trẻ con sinh trong thời công nghệ (tech native) cảm thấy hứng thú. 

Bắt đầu bằng Con cáo và chùm nho, nó viết thế này:

Once upon a time, there was a fox named Pixel who lived in a high-tech forest. Pixel was always on the lookout for new and exciting things to do, and one day, he stumbled upon a virtual vineyard. The vineyard was full of juicy, digital grapes that looked so delicious, Pixel couldn't resist trying to get his paws on them.

Pixel jumped and jumped, but no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't reach the grapes. Frustrated, Pixel declared that the grapes must not have been that great anyway and decided to try a new virtual fruit. And from that day on, Pixel was always on the lookout for new virtual fruits to try and was never discouraged by not being able to reach his goals.

Cũng tạm ổn, nhưng hơi lười biếng, chỉ việc đổi tên con người ta. 

Minh họa do Stable Diffusion vẽ

Mình lại bảo nó thử với Thỏ và rùa, thì nó lại bổn cũ soạn lại:

Once upon a time in a digital world, there was a hare named Swift who loved to show off his speed. One day, he came across a tortoise named Turbo who claimed he could beat Swift in a race. Swift, confident in his speed, laughed at the idea and agreed to the race.

The day of the race arrived and Swift zoomed ahead, taking a break here and there to show off his agility. Meanwhile, Turbo steadily made his way to the finish line. When Swift finally realized that he had taken too many breaks and that Turbo was close to winning, he panicked and tried to speed up, but it was too late. Turbo crossed the finish line first, proving that slow and steady wins the race.

From that day on, Swift learned to be more humble and to not underestimate others, while Turbo was proud of his determination and steady pace. They both lived happily in the digital world, spreading the message of the importance of perseverance and humility.

Thế có chán không cơ chứ. Mình lại bảo nó chuyển sang Con ngỗng đẻ trứng vàng, lần này nhớ thêm smartphone và mạng xã hội vào, chứ ăn no đổi tên thì sao ăn tiền được. Nó bèn hí hoáy như sau:

Once upon a time, there was a goose named Tweet that lived in a tech-savvy world where everyone had smartphones and used social media. Tweet was special because every day she laid a golden egg that could be sold for a lot of money.

The owner of the goose, an entrepreneur named App, was initially thrilled with this new source of income. But soon enough, App became greedy and wanted even more gold. So, he decided to cut open Tweet to see if he could get all the golden eggs at once.

To App's surprise, he found no more eggs inside Tweet, and when he tried to put Tweet back together, the goose was never able to lay another golden egg. App realized too late that it was better to have a slow and steady stream of income from the goose's golden eggs than to destroy it in search of a quick profit.

News of App's foolishness quickly spread on social media, and he became the subject of many memes and tweets. People learned from App's mistake and the story of Tweet the goose that sometimes slow and steady wins the race, and it's better to have a reliable source of income than to risk everything for a quick profit.

Thế này thì tuổi gì mà đòi lấy mất việc con người. Mình một lần nữa bắt viết lại, lần này yêu cầu rõ hơn: chả có ngỗng hay đẻ trứng gì cả, thay nó bằng một tay KOL, tút nào cũng được ngàn like. Thế là nó viết:

Once upon a time, there was an influencer named Trend who lived in a world where social media was everything. Trend had a huge following and every post she made on social media went viral, gaining a lot of attention and engagement.

The owner of Trend, a social media agency named Viral, was initially thrilled with this new source of income. But soon enough, Viral became greedy and wanted even more attention and engagement. So, they decided to have Trend make posts that were more controversial, sensational, and over-the-top, in an attempt to gain even more attention.

To Viral's surprise, the posts didn't do as well as they had hoped. In fact, many of Trend's followers became turned off by the over-the-top content and started unfollowing her. When Viral tried to have Trend return to her original style of posting, it was too late. Trend's audience had shrunk and she was no longer the viral influencer she once was.

Viral realized too late that it was better to have a slow and steady stream of engagement from Trend's posts than to risk everything for a quick spike in attention. The story of Trend the influencer quickly spread on social media, and Viral became the subject of many memes and posts about the dangers of sacrificing authenticity for short-term gains. People learned from Viral's mistake and the story of Trend that sometimes slow and steady wins the race, and it's better to have a genuine and authentic connection with your audience than to risk it all for a quick spike in attention.

Thế chứ lị. Mình khen nó a mây dinh gút chóp, nó từ tốn có gì đâu có gì đâu.

Lúc soạn blog mình mới bắt nó đặt tên cho từng truyện, kết quả như đã thấy trong nhan đề và giới thiệu của entry này.


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