USSH students' summer

 This is an assignment when I was at first year.  ---- While students in almost every university are coming to the end of their summer time, first-year USSH students are now really enjoying what is called “summer”. After a four-week-course of Military Education, they are now planning for their short summer vacation (about one to one and a half month). There is a range of choice on what to do in this summer. “Summer time! Yeah!”, shout D., a student of IR. “I will”, he continues, “ enjoy a great holiday with my family in Nha Trang, I’m longing to this for years”. Like D., going on a holiday to some hot pot is of great choice of many students. But there are also other options. “I have to help my father take care of our farm in the countryside”, says D.L, from Education Faculty. Besides helping with family’s work, many students choose to find a part-time job, not only to share the cost burden with the family in this “price storm” time, but also to earn life experience for their owns. “I want to be more active”, says T.S., DELL. Also, a part-time job can give them certain money to prepare for the next school year, to buy things that they are interested in or “to sign up for a Modern Dancing class” like H.P., from Oriental Department. Likewise, a number of female students decide to take extra courses like dancing, cooking or ikebana to enrich their skills. Students major in foreign languages pick up learning second language – Chinese, French and Spanish to English-major-student and English to the remainders. On the other hand, there are also students who don’t know what to do in the summer. “I have nothing to do”, says N.T. She adds, “I really want to back to school as soon as possible, really hate being at home doing nothing. Maybe I just stay at home all the time and thus gain a great deal of weight after this summer. So terrible!”. However you may feel and whatever you want to do, summer time is a good occasion for you, especially who have to be away from home, if possible, to spend with your family after a long school year. Try to enjoy a cute and cool summer holiday and be refreshed and ready for a new successful coming school year.


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